Local Authority Members
They may have decimated local government in 2013, but you should remember the following: Local Voices Lead to Major Changes
“I make no apology for dedicating this page to the 949 Councillors elected
Foreign affairs
The Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs considers and reports to the Houses of the Oireachtas on the expenditure, administration and policy of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Transport & Communications
The Joint Committee on Transport and Communications in Ireland is composed of 14 members, with nine representing the Dáil and five representing the Seanad.
Security and Defence
To safeguard society, support employment, advance research, and ensure Ireland’s economic growth, one’s goal is to guarantee that Ireland acquires, suitable, leading edge, and reliable defence and security capabilities.
Seanad Reform
Promoting radical Seanad reform and the extension of Seanad voting rights to every Irish citizen.

“As an Independent Senator, I intend to honour and participate in the legislative process making it more effective and responsive to citizens needs.”
Senator Gerard Craughwell
Senator Gerard Craughwell is Ireland’s first independently elected Senator. First elected in the 2014 Seanad by-election to the Cultural and Education Panel, he is subsequently re-elected to the Seanad in 2016 and 2020 to the Labour Panel. Gerard continues to strive making a significant contribution to the legislative process by proposing amendments and bringing forward Private Member Bills and Motions. He is passionate about Independent Politics and is deeply committed to Defence, Local Authority Members, Trade Unions and Seanad Reform
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!”